A Sweet Mother's Warrior Prayers

This book, inspired by my personal journey and relationship with my mother, Sandy Bohac.  It is a testament to the healing power of Christ.

 This children's book chronicles a mother-daughter duo who weathered the storm of separation and emerged stronger for it. Sandy, a steadfast believer, fervently prayed for her estranged daughter, Jenn, leading to a miraculous restoration of their relationship.

Today, we share an unshakeable bond, working together in ministry and spreading the message of Christ's healing power. "A Sweet Mother's Warrior Prayers" is a testament to the power of prayer and the enduring love of a mother.

Available Now!

Children long for a peaceful home filled with their parents’ approval and love.  Blessed at Bedtime is a story about a family’s intentional routine to express security and unity every evening.

More Unique Than You Think is a confidence-building, affirmative story about two brothers who look similar but are very different.  This story encourages children to explore the hidden gifts and talents Jesus gave them and share them with the world around them. 

Blessed at Bedtime: Encouragement for Single Moms is a story about a single mother's intentional bedtime routine. In this story, the role of the earthly dad is filled by their Father in Heaven. Join along as the mother reads her children Scripture and encourages them in their walk with the Lord.

Children long for a peaceful home filled with approval and love.

Join along and experience a loving father's nighttime routine as he pours the love of Jesus into his children before they drift off to sleep.

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